Visual Data Collection Made Easy

"Humans have better things to do than driving to remote places just to look at, count, measure and report on things.

We offer an easy to deploy solution that will reduce these repetitive, boring, error-prone tasks humans have to do so they can focus on work machines can't do."

- Michael Schwanzer, Founder & CEO (, +1 647 865 0172)

Construction Package (Canada)

Timelapse, Remote Monitoring, Visual Documentation
12 or 16MP (4K) Timelapse Camera, Solar Powered, 4G/LTE Cellular Connected
Works out of the box, everything included, no configuration, just mount & flip the switch
Express Shipping
Image Upload every 15 Minutes during daytime, Weekly Timelapse Video. Interval can be changed and affects monthly fee.
Happiness Guarantee (Full Refund)
Audio from the Roger & Marylin Radio Show with Dan Riskin

How Easy Is It?

Just Flip The Switch
Order online, receive camera, mount it and turn it on
Receive Visuals + Data
via ZEITCloud Web App, Email, API or 3rd party integration

Computer Vision + AI Demo

Our AI can be trained for your specific pattern and anomaly detection needs. This service comes at an additional monthly cost.

Waiting for more data

It's 10am in Toronto.

Call Us Now +1 647 865 0172
Schedule A Demo Call

Send us a message

We will do our best to get back to you immediately, even outside business hours.

Michael Schwanzer on Construction Site with Camera

Hi, I am Michael. My team and I make unique cameras in Toronto.